A girl stands 170 m away from a high wall and claps her hands at a steady rate so that each clap coincides with the echo of the one before. a) If she makes 60 claps in 1 minute, what value should be the speed of sound in air? b) Now, she moves to another location and finds that she should now make 45 claps in 1 minute to coincide with successive echoes. Calculate her distance for the new position from the wall.

After going through we can list some data as, distance d = 170 m To find a) speed v = ?               b) distance d= ? Solution – a)its given that girl makes 60 claps in one minute  hence she makes 1 clap in 1 sec  therefore we can say that …

An echo-sounder in a fishing boat receives an echo from a shoal of fish 0.45 s after it was sent. If the speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s, how deep is the shoal?

Going through the sums, we can list the given quantities as, speed v= 1500 m/s time in which the signal is recieved back after hitting the shoal, i.e time for going+time for coming back i.e 2t = 0.45 s  therefore t = 0.225s To find distance d = ? Solution –  velocity, distance and time can be…

A tuning fork of frequency 170 Hz produces sound waves of wavelength 2 m. Calculate speed of sound.

 We can list the given data as, frequency n = 170Hz wavelength λ = 2m To find speed v = ? Solution –  velocity , frequency and wavelength is connected by the formula  v = n x λ  v = 170 x 2  v = 340 m/s The speed of sound is 340m/s

A certain sound wave in air has a speed 340 m/s and wavelength 1.7 m for this wave, calculate a) the frequency b) the period.

After going through the question, we can list the data as velocity v= 340m/s wavelength λ = 1.7m  To find a) frequency n = ?              b) period T = ? Solution – velocity can be written as  v = n x  λ  n = v /  λ  n = 340…

Find the pressure 200 m below the surface of the ocean if pressure on the free surface of liquid is one atmosphere. (Density of sea water = 1060 kg/m³ )

 After going through the question we can list some data as height h=200m density ρ = 1060 kg/m³ Atmospheric pressure P₀ = 1.013 x 10⁵ N/m² acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8m/s² To find, Pressure below 200m P = ? Solution – Absolute pressure , P = P₀ +  ρgh P = 1.013 x…

An ideal gas is taken through an isothermal process. If it does 2000 J of work on its environment, how much heat is added to it?

After going through the question, we can list some data as, workdone dW = 2000J isothermal process dU = 0 To find , Heat added dQ = ? Solution –  From first law of thermodynamics we have dQ = dU + dW In the question it is given that the gas is taken through isothermal…

A simple pendulum of length 100 cm performs S.H.M. Find the restoring force acting on its bob of mass 50 g when the displacement from the mean position is 3 cm.

As per the given question, we can list out the given quantity Length L = 100 cm = 1m, mass m = 50 g = 50 x $10^{-3}$ kg displacement x = 3 cm = 0.03m , g = 9.8 m/$s^2$ To find = Restoring force, F = ? Solution – Restoring force, F =mg…

An object is dropped from a height of 20m above the ground what will be its speed just before it hits the ground?

The method that we using here is of energy conservation. Let us assume the mass of the object as m kg Since the object is placed at height of 20 m above the ground, it possess potential energy . It is given by PE = m x g x h = 20 mg Let us…