A girl stands 170 m away from a high wall and claps her hands at a steady rate so that each clap coincides with the echo of the one before. a) If she makes 60 claps in 1 minute, what value should be the speed of sound in air? b) Now, she moves to another location and finds that she should now make 45 claps in 1 minute to coincide with successive echoes. Calculate her distance for the new position from the wall.

After going through we can list some data as, distance d = 170 m To find a) speed v = ?               b) distance d= ? Solution – a)its given that girl makes 60 claps in one minute  hence she makes 1 clap in 1 sec  therefore we can say that …

An echo-sounder in a fishing boat receives an echo from a shoal of fish 0.45 s after it was sent. If the speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s, how deep is the shoal?

Going through the sums, we can list the given quantities as, speed v= 1500 m/s time in which the signal is recieved back after hitting the shoal, i.e time for going+time for coming back i.e 2t = 0.45 s  therefore t = 0.225s To find distance d = ? Solution –  velocity, distance and time can be…

A tuning fork of frequency 170 Hz produces sound waves of wavelength 2 m. Calculate speed of sound.

 We can list the given data as, frequency n = 170Hz wavelength λ = 2m To find speed v = ? Solution –  velocity , frequency and wavelength is connected by the formula  v = n x λ  v = 170 x 2  v = 340 m/s The speed of sound is 340m/s

A certain sound wave in air has a speed 340 m/s and wavelength 1.7 m for this wave, calculate a) the frequency b) the period.

After going through the question, we can list the data as velocity v= 340m/s wavelength λ = 1.7m  To find a) frequency n = ?              b) period T = ? Solution – velocity can be written as  v = n x  λ  n = v /  λ  n = 340…